Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Rightwing Propaganda Service

Is there really much difference between what these two fat asses espouse(d)?
Right wing political propaganda usually always defaults to playing into the fears and ultimately prejudices within a society. When they fail to convince the electorate with their idiotic idea of a two caste system (where the wealthy allow the poor to live off of their scraps), they resort to hate speech. Though not overtly billed as hate speech, they use covert words such as "unpatriotic" or "traitors" to describe their political adversaries or groups at odds with their agenda. Rush Limbaugh has made a career out of hate speech in a nation that prides itself on free speech. The Nazi party was, in all reality, a political party that assumed power and with it the military. Though the conditions of post World War I Germany greatly facilitated the emergence of extreme right wing ideology, the possibility of a political agenda being forced through violence always exists. It is the point of this blog to remind readers that constant vigilance is required when dealing with these hate-talking hogs.

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