Monday, July 27, 2009

The results of not listening to your constituents

When unemployment goes above 30% in Detroit next spring, rioting will begin there and spread to other cities (think 1960's). Eight years of "tax cuts" and ignoring the needs of the poor citizen (not just the voters) will result in needless death, destruction and chaos for all. There is not a system in-place that hasn't been defunded to contain a nationwide riot...the police and military are made up of these same suffering people....

The health care reform failure will be the proverbial straw [that broke the camel's back] for these unemployed people to deal with. To privately insure a family of five, is more than maximum unemployment compensation pays out in a month. You can do the math....they will be pissed and really have no options....

There is not much old, rich [predominantly white] people can do to keep a power grip on the country and this situation much longer.

I don't see anyway around this eventuality. The jobs are simply not there anymore, and will not be returning. Healthcare is something that you cannot wave around in someones face when they have a sick or dying child. You used to have it, but now you don't. The writing is on the wall for anyone willing to look.

I just dread the thought of having my family live through it. The future is bleak, and was created by 20 years of republican (and a few democrats) control.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Healthcare for all, or a civil war of have and have-nots...

The power struggle between the greedy and the poor regarding health care reform needs to be realized from a broader perspective. The poor simply out-number the rich by 95%. History is replete with scenarios where the wealthy have paid with their lives for their unending and unneccessary greed. It is not a far-reaching conclusion to assume that as more people are moved toward the uninsured roles, that a popular movement will be spread through culture to fight against this injustice.

It is my belief that it would be in the best interests of the country to get behind a public option or risk dealing with a bloody revolt in which we ALL will be affected by. It is a pay-to-play option that the rich choose by living in the US. If you are going to live like nobility amongst the masses, then you will pay your graduated tax toward the "general welfare" of the citizens whom backs that you stand on to enjoy your lifestyle here. That is a reality that I believe has been greatly overlooked in the past 30 years as wage disparity grows. The Czar and his ministers learned this 100 years ago, and now it looks like history will be repeating.