Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If healthcare is not nationalized, Obama is finished....

I truly believe that unless health care is made available for all in the next 9 months, that there will be a devastating crisis as the unemployed en mass become uninsured. The children of these displaced workers do not deserve the medical neglect that they will receive or are receiving.

For the most part, Obama hasn't accomplished anything in comparison to FDR's New Deal reformations. This single issue could put him in the history books as one of the greats if it is begun under his administration, if not, he will most likely be remembered only as the "first black president".

Friday, May 15, 2009

My prediction about the Waterboarding Torture Technique

There will most likely be domestic use (and subsequent deaths) of this as the practice is proliferated via media. A street gang or even suburban children will use this torture method on one another to fatal consequences since it is not markedly made illegal. Will the parents of the murdered child be willing to accept this method as one that is not torture then?

This the path that the Republicans took....with it, they trashed our values and broke the law.....and now we will again pay dearly for their stupid ideas....a la giving Osama Bin Laden weapons and training in the 1980's (Reagan).

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Rightwing Propaganda Service

Is there really much difference between what these two fat asses espouse(d)?
Right wing political propaganda usually always defaults to playing into the fears and ultimately prejudices within a society. When they fail to convince the electorate with their idiotic idea of a two caste system (where the wealthy allow the poor to live off of their scraps), they resort to hate speech. Though not overtly billed as hate speech, they use covert words such as "unpatriotic" or "traitors" to describe their political adversaries or groups at odds with their agenda. Rush Limbaugh has made a career out of hate speech in a nation that prides itself on free speech. The Nazi party was, in all reality, a political party that assumed power and with it the military. Though the conditions of post World War I Germany greatly facilitated the emergence of extreme right wing ideology, the possibility of a political agenda being forced through violence always exists. It is the point of this blog to remind readers that constant vigilance is required when dealing with these hate-talking hogs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Delusional forecasts for an economic recovery....already

Alright, the same geniuses that didn't see this 40 year old festering economic problem are now declaring it about over. If that is so, how are these issues all of sudden resolved?

  1. Almost no manufacturing jobs anymore, where do all the non-degreed middle class work?
  2. Where do the older, displaced but not ready to retire because of financial reasons go to work to pay for all these McMansions they own? The younger workers are filling their jobs much cheaper....
  3. Health insurance is not affordable for anyone but the super-rich....even corporations are struggling to offset these costs because profits beyond costs are razor thin or has this (national healthcare) been addressed at all?!
  4. The big New Deal type approach to infrastructure has not happened....the private sector is broke and capital is not flowing into projects that benefit all and have lasting potential for progress.
  5. The disparity between the haves and have-nots is growing at a greater rate than ever, the people that deluded themselves into thinking they were part of this upper 5% because they had a couple hundred thousand in a 401k are getting a real dose of reality as to what real wealth is....they actually had very little but inflated compounded stock that was never worth what they paid for it....this is a serious mess...

I see no signs of anything but a worsening of the current situation. This began 40 years ago and will take more than a few months to repair it....that is, if it can ever be repaired.

I hope these delusional bastards stop with these articles that make the assumption that if they write about it, then it must be true. This was the neo-conservative mantra for the last 30 years, I can't handle anymore of it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One quarter of Americans will never go back to work

The reality of this depression (2009) just has not set in on the masses yet. It must be accepted that 25% of the people laid off or being laid off will never go back to work earning their previous wages in their lifetime! The Baby Boomer generation are going to be facing a brutal reality that their careers have been shipped away or is now obsolete due to technology and their younger lower paid replacements.

Any one of them that voted against and believed that "Government" was the problem will now be relying upon and siphoning from the very system they opposed. And by opposing public entitlements, they have essentially bankrupted these resources and put the burden of debt on their grandchildren as they enroll in Medicare in record numbers. To make things worse, they lived a gluttonous lifestyle and now have tremendous medical problems from excesses. Though this is not a generational tit-for-tat, the blame of this economic mess solely relies on their lifestyle and political choices. Selfishness and new fashion greed had facilitated the deregulation trend that their parents worked (and some fought) so hard against. There were very necessary reasons that regulation was needed in the first place. Putting life-sustaining resources in the hands of the free market seems almost laughable that only an idiot would support, yet it happened across all industries.

Though some of these newly displaced workers will simply slip into a lowly semi-retirement, many will need to continue working since their "401k" (don't get me started on those pyramid scams) retirement plans have greatly devalued. With their professional careers as just a distant pleasant daydream now, they will need to focus on the crappy jobs available to them. Walmart, McDonald's and every other low paying franchise that they help create with their support will now be their embarrassing minimum wage slog until they drop over.

This economic mess is worse than anything before it. Because of Americans insistence on buying foreign manufactured products, there are more unemployed people than there are jobs. I see no way out of this for a very long least until factories are rebuilt and the American middle class returns.